“Mind the Gap!”

Ninth Sunday after Pentecost 26 July 2015 (2 Kings 4:42-44 Psalm 145 Ephesians 3:14-21 John 6:1-21) “Mind the Gap!” In London when getting on or off The Tube (their metro system), you always hear a sweet woman’s voice from a loud speaker warning passengers to, “Mind the gap, please!” “Mind the gap, please!” And, of … More “Mind the Gap!”

Jesus’ compassion is for us all -caregivers and care-receivers alike!

Text: Mark 6: 30-34, 53-56, Pentecost 8b It’s hard to believe, but summer is half over! Schools start back in less than a month. It’s even harder for me to believe that next Sunday will be my last day with you here at St. James, and what an amazing journey of mutual care and compassion this … More Jesus’ compassion is for us all -caregivers and care-receivers alike!

A Risky Discipleship: Preaching Repentance and Teaching Justice

Text: Mark 6: 14-29 King Herod was shaking in his boots…. He made a terrible choice, a sin that caused him to feel ashamed, and he was sure his bad choice had come back to haunt him. “Who is this Jesus?” everyone was asking. Herod was convinced that the only explanation for his incredible power … More A Risky Discipleship: Preaching Repentance and Teaching Justice