“Making room for Jesus!”

Second Sunday of Advent                                        December 5, 2021

(Malachi 3:1-4   Luke 3:1-6)   [John Baptist Skit]

“Making room for Jesus!”

Pastor Andrew (from ambo):  I want to let you know . . . . .

John Baptist (coming in doors at Baptism font, interrupting noisily with honey pot and a spoon):  Hey, what’s going on here?

Choir Child #1:  who is he?

Choir child #2 (as John gets closer to center of worship space):  Hey, you’re not supposed to say “Hey” in church!  Who are you?

John Baptist:  Who do you think I am?

Choir child #2:  I don’t know, but you look scary!

John Baptist:  I am scary!  [slows down to take a slow intense look around the worship space].  I just came in from the wilderness.  Don’t get too close to me!  I haven’t had a bath in months!  And that water in the Jordan is rotten!  But this honey is really tasty!   Anyone have any locusts with them this morning?  Locusts really taste good with honey for breakfast!

Choir child #1:  Are you Jesus?  You sort of look like him!

John Baptist:  My name is John.  Known to some as John the Baptist!

Choir child #1:  Are you the Messiah?

John Baptist:  Me?  The Messiah?  Come on!  Don’t make me laugh!  Let’s be clear about this!  I am not the Messiah!  I’m not Elijah!  I’m not the Prophet!  I am the son of Zechariah!  I’m not worthy to carry the sandals of the Messiah!  I’m the voice of one crying in the wilderness:  “Prepare a way for the Lord, make a straight path for him to travel!”

Choir child #1:  So what are you really doing here?

John Baptist:  I came here to tell you that it is high time for you all to repent of your sins!  [addressing everyone]  Is there anyone here this morning who is not a sinner?  That’s what I thought!  We got a house of sinners this morning!  Actually, that good!  I say to all of you:  “turn away from your sins because the kingdom of heaven is near.”  (*pulls a  spray bottle out from under his robe!)

Choir child #1:  What’s that for?

John Baptist:  I have water all the way from Israel—the Jordon River!  It’s baptism water!  Who wants a squirt first?

Choir child #3:  I want to be squirted!  (comes out to the front;  get’s squirted;  returns to seat).  Wow!  Do it again!  I like that!!

John Baptist:  Oh really!  Well,  don’t bother telling me you’re a descendant of Abraham!  God could make descendants of Abraham from stones if God wanted to do!  It doesn’t make you special enough to get away with fooling God!  Repent, I tell you!  Turn away from your sins, and then I will squirt you!  Go on!  (Squirt!)

Choir child #3:  Oh, thank you ever so much!  [returns to his seat]  I feel clean!


John Baptist: [addressing congregation] First of all I want to tell you that I know I usually get a pretty bad rap!  Those guys who wrote about me in the Bible didn’t do me any favors.  Maybe I deserve most of it, but what I want you all to know today is that this is serious stuff! 

The One who is coming after me will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire! He is going to really sort things out and I hope I end up on his good side!   That prophet Malachi, he speaks of a “messenger” who will prepare a way for God’s arrival.   Many people think that is me, but as I told the kids, I’m nobody, who are you?  Are you nobody, too?  Then there’s a pair of us, don’t tell, they’ll banish us, you know!

I guesswhat I’m really saying is:  I want you to make space for God in your life, even in this busy time of the year.  I want everyone to make room for Jesus during this time, and not just now, but all the time.

I like the word “repentance,” but I don’t think that word of wild enough!  The Greeks and all you Gentiles who came after me will hear this message and you will read the word, “metanoia.”   That word means literally “beyond” the “mind.”   It reminds me how God wishes to take us beyond our minds, beyond what we think we know of God—after all:  God born as a baby?  And now a man walking around?  Come on!  Who are you trying to fool?  I’m serious, man!  If God can do that, then we need to “turn-around everything we know” about living the old kind of life!  Why are you being so stogy?  Believe in God’s love!  Get a little more wild in the way you follow Jesus!

I want you to believe that God is about to do something great with you.  That is what I feel.  I hope you feel it too!  Take charge of your lives!  Make way!  Remove the obstacles!    The Prince of Peace is on the way—that’s why the second candle on that wreathe is called the Peace Candle! 

The Messiah is on the way—not on a warhorse like the other big shots of his day, but rather as a humble prophet, teacher, and healer, as God’s beloved child born homeless in a manger!

Hey, do you believe that!  I hope so!  Because Jesus on coming!  Be ready!

Oh, yes, please tell that little boy that it is okay to say “hey” in church! 

Anyone want a little squirt?  (walks out into the pews, squirting water into the air!)

Amen!  Amen!  Amen!